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Design Breakthrough

Change your home, change your life.

1 h 30 min
299 US dollars
via Zoom or Google Meet

Service Description

Did you know your home is influencing your life? It's directly connected to your joy, productivity, connection to others, and vitality. How? Environment communicates emotion which directs action. So, the design of your HOME has the potential to shift what isn't working in your life for the better. It's a powerful Breakthrough tool. If you could fix an area of your life, what would it be? Relationships? Self-love? Abundance? Health? Pick one room that is a pain point and get ready for a transformation. This exercise will inevitably trickle into your life experience as well. "I had no idea my home could be so linked to my wellbeing. There's a magic in the changes that shifted how I was feeling about myself and my life." -Client, Denver, CO In 1 hour, we will make ROOM for better things. We will: 1. Reveal the obstacles in your space 2. Optimize what you have making it "work" in a more inspiring way (no need to buy a thing!) 3. Open possibilities for beauty, function, and good energy 4. Make HIGH LEVEL IMPACT changes to your space inviting more of what you want Simply send photos of your room, answer a few questions, and be ready to receive design breakthrough tips you can implement NOW. Service includes: Live call & follow up email. Sign up for your Breakthrough Day and receive more info. on next steps!

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THE GOOD ABODE by Christine Martin

is a bilingual design studio supporting clients online globally and on-site in Baja California Sur, Mexico.

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©The Good Abode & Christine Martin Design, 2022
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